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Writer's pictureRobert Goodwin

Highlights & Lowlights

Firstly, can I thank everyone who has taken the time to read this infrequent blog and attempted to understand it's ramblings! You may not agree with everything I share, but I hope that it has given you food for thought, without too much indigestion. Thanks also, those of you who signed up for a course, private reading or one of our online trance events. I hope we didn't dissapoint on any of these activities and look forward to you being a frequent visitor again in 2024.

Secondly, 2023 was an interesting year for Amanda and myself in terms of the live spiritual engagements that we undertook. Things have not yet got back to pre-covid levels, and may never do so, but we had some really memorable demonstrations with White Feather - most notably at Aberaeron Church in August, where I have been privilaged to serve since 1973 and remain the longest serving medium ever to appear there. White Feather delivered a thought provoking talk and Q&A session and I sensed instinctively that he was 'on form' that day. Our visit to Lichfield Church on 4th September was also a powerful experience and it was wonderful to see a full-house at a trance demonstration - something of a rarity these days, where many people only seem to want entertaining with messages. I know that White Feather has a good reputation, but it also goes to show what can be done with some proper marketing. Our public demonstrations for the year ended at Sutton Coldfield SNU on November 18th, where once again, the spirit guide gave everyone much food for thought in the way that only he can. It was so nice to return to this church, having first stood on the rostrum back in 1970 and it hasn't changed much in over fifty years (I mean that is a good way).

The major dissapointment was the cancellation of our trance booking at Bellbroughton in December following the sad and unexpected death of Mike Shinton, a lovely man and a great voice for freedom. Mike had been to several of our White Feather trance demonstrations in the past and always supported Amanda and I in our work. He had exclusively arranged the date and was the sole organiser of the event, but it wasn't to be. I was sad though, that no one had the good grace to contact me directly to discuss the cancellation or thought me worthy enough of doing so. Nevertheless my healing thoughts go out to Mike's family, each and every one. Losing a loved one is never easy, even with the knowledge we hold and I feel your pain.

Thirdly, here is some alternative information regarding what is currently unfolding and planned to happen in the world today, courtesy of the usual suspects. I give credit for some of this information to a dear friend of mine who shall remain nameless, although she will know if she's reading this post. Your work is invaluable.

You've probably not yet heard of '50 in 5', but most likely will soon. The aim of those trying to implement the Great Reset or Agenda 30 is to create a digtial ID for everyone within the framework of a DPI (Digital Public Infrastructure) across 50 countries by 2028. As always, their plan is couched in nice, friendly terms, so as not to offend or awaken the sheep amongst us and of course, it's all 'to save lives' and 'protect us from harm'. What it means in real terms is that if successful, it will give governments and corporations the power to implement systems of social credit that will determine who can travel and where, how they can travel, what they are allowed to consume and how they will be allowed to transact with their digital programmable money when cash is removed. Here is the link, should you wish to read more:

It leaves me only to say - have an enjoable festive period and a happy new year! Many challenges lie ahead and we have to rise to the threat of The New World Order that is attacking humanity on every level. Stay safe, and remember your true nature - infinite consciousness.

My love to you all x

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