White Feather Audio Recordings
The above 'audio/video' features the opening address made by White Feather during an online 'small group' session in June 2022. It is featured in the Rob Goodwin Podcast June '22 episode in full (including an extensive Q&A session) in which the spirit sage pulls no punches, answering direct questions about the unfolding New World Order (Agenda 30 - the Great Reset) in a direct way.
We would have liked to have included the question and answer session here, but the wonderful videos, created by Jim McQuitty and uploaded to You Tube, were 'taken down' by the provider because they 'breached our community standards' - which is Orwellian speak for 'we don't want anyone telling the truth'. Fortunately, Jim reformated these valiable videos and they can be found on Bichute (a platform on which there is less censorship) but unfortunately our own website platform (WIX) do not support Bitchute videos, so if you wish to view these please visit Jim McQuitty's Bitchute site by clicking here
The videos are:
Earth Changes - Natural or Man-Made
All are well worth watching/listening to because they expose some aspects of the global agenda, those behind it and where it'splanned to take the world. Please support this work, because without platforms such as Bitchute, the likes of You Tube, Facebook and others will simply carry on shutting down free speech (directed by their 'masters') and the wonderful words and teachings of spirit guides such as White Feather and others will never reach a wider audience.
White Feather Speaks - February 2021
The following two recordings were made during an online trance evening in February 2021 at the height of the 'second lockdown' in the UK. Hence, the guide addresses the concerns of the global situation and speaks in direct terms to those present, warning of the consequences for everyone if mankind does not take action. The first features the full length address (18 mins approx) and the second, the Q&A session (52 mins approx)
White Feather Q & A - October 2020
The following two recordings were made during an online trance evening in October 2020. The first features the full length address (24 minutes) and the second, the Q&A session (51 minutes approx)
The following five recordings below are taken from a 2011 sitting with the guide and are short in length, allowing the listener the opportunity to experience the flavour of White Feather's philosophy.
White Feather Speaks - December 2011
Having recently come across this audio recording of White Feather speaking through Robert in 2011, it was decided to include this on the website as there are elements that are particularly relative to the current global situation in 2021. Relative to this it is suggested that the listener takes particular note of what the guide says around around the 15 minute mark.