At the time of writing, we are on the cusp on another 'year' - except, there are no 'years' outside of the human mind, but that's another story.
No doubt '2025' will see a whole new barrage of attacks aimed at us, as the Cult agenda moves one step closer to 2030. Will it be 'Bird Flu', a nuclear attack, a financial crash or a fake alien invasion? All of these and more are within their locker and at any point, could be used against us.
To be clear, the long held aims of the Cult are these:
World Government
World Army
Global digital currency and banking replacing all cash
Digital ID
Global 'health' system (WHO) with the power to impoase mandatory vaccinations, lock-downs and other stringent measures that override state authority.
Owenership of all persoanl assets (property, possessions, savings, land)
The eradication of farming, to be replaced by wholly artificial 'foods' including insect based
15 minute cities
The ramping up of 'climate change' lies fostered by weather manipulation via HAARP, cloud seeding, chemtrail spraying and other means.
Enforced 'self-assisted dying' for those reaching a certain age or not meeting certain criteria
Use of drones to track movements
Use of AI to further erode human freedom and eventually take over all human thought and freewill. Elon Musk's global satellite system will be used to connect artificial intelligence via 5G (soon to be 6G and 7G) to the human brain.
Imposition of global 'religion' at the expense of all others. This will be satanic in nature.
.......shall I continue? No doubt I've excluded a few more of their goals, all of which will serve the 'global elite' (psychopathic, satanic, dark entities). This may sound like the nightmare stuff of science finction to some, but believe me when I say that it isn't and that those behind it are close to achieving their long held goals - if we allow this!
What can any of us do to stop this totalitarian agenda? For the time being we need to continue to raise our vibrations (consciousness) and remain focused on non-compliance with whatever they throw at us. Many are waking up (still nowehere near enough) and are exposing the lies and corruption via social media and other forms of communication, but at some point, these too will be shut down and a media blackout imposed. Ultimately, we must each face our own truth and stand up for what we believe to be right. There will come a point when we need to rise as one and face our enemy. When that moment arrives, it will be clearly evident that there can be no turning back.
Remember that neither 'Jesus' or 'God' is coming to save us. We are already 'God' if we would but recognise it and thus, have untold power. It is WE, collectively, that hold the power, not the relative few who think that they do. As White Feather recently said, the Cult rely on technology, deceit, lies and force and come from a place of ignorance. The awakened amongst us come from the source of light, power and love.
It's about 'time' that we acted from our higher self and truly brought this whole evil facade to an end. Remember that we do not stand alone. Together it is WE who hold the true power. x